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21 Mag 2024 | Agevolazioni e incentivi per le imprese In sede di conversione il “Decreto PNRR 4” conferma il riconoscimento del credito d’imposta “Transizione 5.0” a favore delle imprese che nel 2024 e 2025 svolgono...
Siamo orgogliosi per questo riconoscimento che ci è stato conferito. Questo premio rappresenta per noi un'importante conferma dell’impegno al lavoro svolto. Ringraziamo Kodak Alaris per averci scelto come destinatari di questo...
Innovate Italia annuncia l’accordo con Zeutschel GmbH per la distribuzione di scanner planetari Zeutschel. Zeutschel è il  leader indiscusso del mercato mondiale negli scanner planetari e delle relative applicazioni software....
Siamo lieti di annunciare una nuova partnership tra Innovate Italia e Dyanix. Dyanix è un fornitore di soluzioni leader nella trasformazione digitale, con oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel campo della scansione e digitalizzazione, con...
Siamo molto orgogliosi di annunciare di aver vinto il premio Kodak Alaris TOP Value Added Partner FY22 Categoria Distributori. Il premio è stato assegnato a Innovate Italia per l’ottimo risultato di vendita ottenuto nell’anno...
bonus non prorogati dal 2023 C’è tempo fino a fine anno per gli investimenti in beni strumentali nuovi ordinari,  diversi da quelli indicati negli allegati A e B della legge 232/2016, sia materiali che immateriali (es.: mobili,...
L’accordo di distribuzione siglato con Avision, produttore di scanner documentali e stampanti multifunzione, con sede in Taiwan: mira ad arricchire ulteriormente l'offerta di scanner documentali di Innovate Italia. Gli scanner per...
A partire dal 2 luglio, possono essere nuovamente presentate le domande per accedere alla Nuova Sabatini. Sono invece irricevibili le domande presentate dal 2 giugno al 1° luglio. Riapre lo sportello della misura Nuova Sabatini per richiedere...
GLI SCANNER KODAK ALARIS Serie S3000 e Serie i4000 possono ricondursi ai beni funzionali alla trasformazione tecnologica e digitale delle imprese secondo il modello 4.0, rispondendo ai criteri di cui all’Allegato A della legge 11 Dicembre...
On August 21, Kodak Alaris announced a global alliance with UiPath which will allow each company’s channel partners and customers to leverage the other’s software and solutions. At the same time, the companies introduced the Alaris...
On 30/03/2021 we achieved ISO 9001 certification, thus receiving the official certification of the quality of our business processes. With the ISO 9001:2015 certification all our business processes and services have been examined and tested,...
Learn what OCR is, how it works, and why it’s so essential to our personal and professional lives. You may not know it, but you have been playing a key role in helping experts decipher old and even ancient historical texts. Every time you...
Going paperless can improve productivity by 30 to 35 percent. But to go digital successfully, you need the right tools. Unfortunately, this is where many businesses flounder. What are the right tools, exactly? What happens if you don't know...
Recently Keypoint Intelligence, the world’s leading independent evaluator of document imaging hardware, software, and services, announced that Kodak Alaris has won BLI’s coveted 2021 Scanner Line of the Year Award. Given once a year,...
Security is never far from the headlines. Understand your options for identity verification and fraud prevention. Passport scanners securely capture proof of ID, without weighing down the customer experience.  Identity checks and...
Data-driven decision making is driving growth and innovation in every industry. But as companies jump on this trend en masse, many are discovering a hidden weakness in their operations: their office equipment. Data-driven management only works...
An online event took place on December 8 that saw Kodak Alaris involved, alongside Government Agencies, to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the federal government mandate for the digitization of administration and the...
Keypoint Intelligence recognizes Kodak Info Input Solution with BLI 2021 Pick Award for Outstanding Distributed Capture & Workflow Optimization Solution Keypoint Intelligence, the world’s leading independent evaluator of...
Kodak Alaris simplifies the digitization of paper documents and reduces inefficiencies to help you optimize technology budgets, improve citizen interactions, improve compliance and improve information sharing security. 
Many workers, in recent months, regardless of their role and usual work routine, have been dealing with working from home. One way, that of smart working, has already been experimented in several companies only in relation to some higher-level...
Rochester, N.Y., September 29, 2020 - Kodak Alaris is expanding its remote service offerings with three new monitoring as a service tools that deliver cloud-based device management and optimize scanner performance. The new MPS Capture Agent, Scanner...
New scanners and software from Kodak Alaris deliver fast, efficient image processing and intelligent data extraction, reducing time to convert documents into business-critical information. Kodak Alaris is expanding its document capture portfolio...
To keep up with the transformation and digitalization of companies, it is essential for companies of any sector and size to take advantage of the competitive advantage offered by technology. However, many processes are still based on paper copies...
The Panasonic Business lineup emphasized the importance of technology for complying with European GDPR data protection regulations. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) entered into force on 23 May 2018 aims to strengthen and unify the...
After the recent launch of the new scanners that extend the A3 range, Panasonic Communication has scheduled online training meetings to explain all the technical aspects that distinguish the new machines. To make the training more...
Open House organized by Innovate Italia in collaboration with Panasonic and CumulusPro. Padua 4 October 2016 Hotel Sheraton C.so Argentina, 5 Rome 6 October 2016 Sheraton Parco de 'Medici Hotel The right opportunity to meet Vendors...
Event Date: 17 May 2016 to 26 May 2016 Panasonic Business is pleased to invite you to the 2016 Roadshow, where you will have the opportunity to discover our complete range of solutions dedicated to the business world. At the event, you will...
Lucerne, Switzerland, 19 April, 2016 - Document and data capture solutions distributor, Innovate Italia S.r.l., seals a partnership agreement with CumulusPro to deliver cloud-based services across Italy. Innovate Italia was only established in...
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