Home / Kodak SS 730EX
Kodak SS 730EX
Part Number: 1730795
KODAK Scan Station 730EX Network scanner with integrated touchscreen and computer. 1 year warranty.
  • MarcaKodak
  • ModelloSS 730EX
  • Part Number1730795
  • SegmentoScan Station
  • FormatoA4 Colore
  • Velocità70/140 ppm/ipm
  • Modalità di acquisizioneRotativo
  • ADF75 pagine
  • Piano fissoOpzionale
  • InterfacciaRJ45
  • Volume giornaliero6.000 pagine
  • ImprinterNo

The Kodak Scan Station 730EX Scanner can solve unique challenges with powerful integration capabilities that can be used to produce efficiency-boosting customizations. Turn data into decisions quickly and seamlessly with simple network setup and robust remote management.

  • The Scan Station 730EX is specially designed for integrators to create custom solutions.
  • Take processes from multiple steps to a few by connecting the scanner directly to your network.
  • Find the functions you need quickly with a bright, easy-to-navigate touchscreen.
  • Simple remote management allows you to spend less time visiting devices individually and more time on other tasks.
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