Home / Kodak i2620
Kodak i2620
Part Number: 1501725
KODAK i2620 Scanner A4 60ppm ADF75 - USB Scanner. Manifacturer's warranty.
  • MarcaKodak
  • Modelloi2620
  • Part Number1501725
  • SegmentoWorkgroup
  • FormatoA4 Colore
  • Velocità60/120 ppm/ipm
  • Modalità di acquisizioneRotativo
  • ADF100 pagine
  • Piano fissoOpzionale
  • InterfacciaUSB3
  • Volume giornaliero7.000 pagine
  • ImprinterNo

KODAK i2620 Scanner A4 60ppm ADF75 - USB Scanner.

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